Affidavit for Inspection Warrant, Me, above. Affidavit for Inspection Warrant, Mom, below. why are they referring to all of us, my husband, my mother, and Hispanic? This is a buzz word even on a subliminal level. Is this really appropriate for paperwork like this?
If you look at the paperwork for both myself and my mother...they are identical. How can this be? The sanctuary was on my property, and not hers, and she had done nothing but live next door.
A bit about the Code of Ordinances.
The owner or harborer of an animal shall be responsible
for the removal of any excreta deposited by the animal upon any public
walk, path, street, park, recreation area, or private
property not their own. Any owner or harborer walking their dog on any
property other than their own shall carry a suitable
device for removal of excreta or be subject to be fined in Class I
of this chapter. A suitable device can be a commercial
device or a plastic bag or any other device with which excreta can
be removed in a sanitary manner.
(Ord. No. 2002-05, § XI, 4-23-02)
Sec. 6-15. - Disposition of dead animals.
Sec. 6-15. - Disposition of dead animals.

When an animal dies, the owner or
harborer of the animal shall dispose of the remains immediately. When an
officer discovers
a dead animal on private property, the officer shall
provide written notice to the owner or harborer of such animal, ordering
the owner or harborer to dispose of the remains
immediately. If the owner or harborer of a dead animal cannot be
or notified, the officer shall provide written notice to
the owner of the property upon which the remains are located, ordering
the owner/occupant of such property to dispose of the
remains immediately. If the person notified fails to comply within
(24) hours after receipt of the written notice, they will
be in Class IV violation of this chapter. Officers may, at their
discretion, dispose of the remains of small animals and
bill the owner, if known, or the property owner if the owner is unknown,
for the cost of such disposal in addition to charging the
owner or property owner a penalty for a Class IV violation of this
When an animal services officer
discovers a dead animal on county roads or property, the animal services
officer shall cause
the remains to be disposed of and shall make a reasonable
effort to identify and notify the owner or harborer of such animal
if the animal is wearing identification. The cost of such
disposal shall be borne by the owner or harborer of the animal.
Any small dead animal, upon request of the owner of such animal or the owner of the property where such animal is found, shall
be disposed of by the animal services division and the cost of such disposal shall be borne by the requestor.
The board may establish, by resolution, fees to be charged for the disposal of dead animals.
(Ord. No. 2002-05, § XIV, 4-23-02)
Now...the way I read this, is that after their illegal search on the 19th of October which turned up the dead animals in the freezer, upon discovery of them they should have, according to their own ordinance, issued me a notice giving me 24 hours to dispose of the bodies. If I did not comply only then could I be seen in violation. Don't they know their own statutes?
Folks, these people were not creating this paperwork to do anything other than to take the dead animals from my property and photograph them in order to build a case against me. It was not in their best interest to follow their own procedure, and from this, combined with numerous other abuses, one can only come to this conclusion, as far-fetched as it first may seem. AC time and time again, has been caught doing things like this to manufacture cases against innocent citizens...even planting dead carcases on people properties.
What the police had done on 10/20, was to open up the part of my home that was no longer used because of a flood. AC would come in on the 21, now knowing about this part of the house, and proceed to let all my animals into this part of the house in order to photograph them in unpleasant surroundings. This was their only physical evidence...created by them. They deliberately created images to incite outrage and show what a horrible person I was to those who did not know me. They aimed to assassinate my character so my ability to gain support from others would be impeded, and so they could profit from the sale of my birds and horses. Unfortunately, the other animals would have to die in order for them to accomplish this. They were seen as acceptable casualties in their war for profit against me.
To further corroborate my theory, I will ask this; if the Warrant states that they need complete access to every building on both properties to remove multiple animals in distress, and we were both accused of such horrible cruelty...then why is it that only one blind horse removed, the one Tossona had falsely claimed was limping on the 19th? Later they would claim that all of my animals were in why were they not all removed then? THE ANSWER IS BECAUSE THEY WERE NOT NOR WERE THEY EVER IN DISTRESS.
There were multiple journalists on my property on October 30th, when my animals were seized. The came to my mother's house, and knocked on the door. When I would not speak with them, they told me through the door that they realized that healthy animals were being taken, and could help me if I talked to them. Why didn't they help? Where are they now? I have written to Tony Holt of the Tampa Tribune, asking him if he knows which person from his paper was there on that day...but I have received no reply. Why is is that no one wants to help? Do they like living surrounded by this kind of corruption? Is this what they want for their children? I fail to understand why this is so.
We owe it to our immigrant ancestors to fight against this kind of corruption. They did not toil to come to America so that we could be born in tyranny. They wanted something better for us. Why can't we honor their intentions?