AC PAPERWORK PAGE 1 ~ The Second Order of Care
This is the paperwork that I was provided with upon the seizure of Ginger. After asking them for some 2 hours where the paperwork was that allowed them to be on my property, they finally presented me with this at nearly 6 PM. I am still stunned that they were able to get this signed by a judge so late on a Friday; I can't even get a baby sitter on such short notice. It obviously was intended to replace the Order of Care from 9/17, which had not been signed by me. To me, this is more or less an admission that the Order of Care from 9/17 was indeed a worthless piece of paper.
Tossona would later say that this document gave him the right to go with the Sheriff onto my property on the 19th of October, and open my freezer. Even the police knew this was wrong and instinctively hesitated.