Inspection Warrant for my property, above. Inspection Warrant for my mother's property, below.

I have multiple problems with this paperwork, the first being that the preceding Affidavit for Inspection stated that my mother had 175 animals on HER property, now it says she has 2, and they continuing to say that she violated the numerous HC Code of Ordinances as well as Florida Statutes. They created this paperwork UNDER OATH. There was never ANY complaint filed against my mother in the first place for ANYTHING. She would have to endure the insult of endless searches on her property for the rest of the time she lived in Florida. Any paperwork against her would eventually be reversed...but after she had moved out of state.
My second problem is that if the Affidavits contained incorrect but easily verifiable information, why were they ever signed...didn't anyone read the Florida Statues that were mentioned?
This isn't even my job and I had no problem gaining access to these ordinances.