It isn't until recently that I have even been able to read some of the articles written by Logan Neill that appeared back in 2009 about the events between when he first set foot on my property, to some time in December when I believe he ran his last piece of drivel about how my husband and I were to be charged with 2 counts of animal cruelty because of our 2 horses which AC had lied about, something he seemed to have inside knowledge about before even we did.
It is very difficult to read his articles, but in some way they document the lies that were told in court. In his articles are great inconsistencies in the story that AC was trying to weave in order to, I believe, cover up the actions of John Tossona and the numerous things that took place all while Liana Teague was on vacation the week of October 16th. I think they committed a grave error in the euthanization of Ginger, and they had demonize my husband and me in order to make their assault seem justified. Mr. Neill viewed this opportunity which he himself had created, as a vehicle to make a name for himself.
I do not know if the original intent was to confiscate and sell the animals for profit, or if it was just a by product of what happened. Bear in mind that I was allowed to keep some of my animals in the end, and that the seizure was not about any sort of abuse or neglect, it was simply about selling my animals to cover a $5000 bill which Animal Control said that I owed them for their supposed investigation. It was the Logan Neill who turned it into something else.
By the time I returned to court on October 29th, the story that AC had made up had intensified, now it had evolved into saying that I was starving all of my animals, denying help, and not treating or vaccinating my animals. They even went as far as to say that my mare could not stand when they picked her up. They basically could say whatever they wanted to, because there would be no transcript of these proceedings; just the pitiful scrawling of a demented Logan Neill...lies and slander which may have indeed come back to haunt him, as he passed away from heart failure on September 1, 2015, at the relatively young age of 61.
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Happy Murderers. Do these look like the faces of people who have just seen animals in distress? |
I had not vaccinated the animals before, because most of the time we used a Homeopathic Vet who lived in the same area, and who did not recommend vaccines for any animals, especially those who were elderly or who had compromised immune systems. Since our dogs never went anywhere, and Vets would come to the house, we figured this was safe and went by her recommendation. When I had to vaccinate to comply with AC, it was done as fast as possible, and this is a well-documented fact.
Tossona had basically let himself into my home on September 16, photographing everything. If you recall from my story, I had lost my employee who had been doing the bird cages because he went back to school, but I had a new one coming in on the 26th, who would be a live-in employee. I have bad arthritis in my hands, so I was not very good at doing the cages myself. Looking back through my papers, I don't know if Tossona had any right to take pictures at my home without an inspection warrant...and looking through these articles, SOME OF THOSE PICTURES APPEARED IN THE PAPER ON OCTOBER 31, after the animals had been seized...EVEN THOUGH THE CAGES HAD BEEN CLEANED BY THE 25TH OF SEPTEMBER, AND WERE NEVER SEEN IN ANY WAY BUT CLEAN SUBSEQUENT TO TOSSONA'S VISIT OF 9/16. I cannot tell you how MAD that makes me. Where are all the pictures he took on the 25th?
Logan Neill would also publish so many inaccuracies about our place in New Port Richey. Our Animal Haus began in the late 90's in Nashville, a place where we had excellent relationships with all of the local officials in Davidson County. I would move to Palm Harbor, Florida in 2002 to take care of my mother and my aunt after my father died, leaving my husband in Nashville to care for our animals and sell our home.
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Nashville 1998. Here is my husband cleaning the kennels. His mother visiting from Germany took these photos. |
Of course, we wouldn't find out until we had spent tens of thousands of dollars building corral fencing for the ponies I bought my son, replacing any of the rusted or old chain link fencing, adding still more fencing, fixing the privacy fence, and then transporting all of the animals from Nashville to the tune of $6000.
I would be visited by my next door neighbor, who also told me the man who had sold us the house had known the zoning laws quite well, but never bothered to tell us. Thus began my 2-year nightmare of living here, at this beautiful, and otherwise perfect place. I would never have ANY issues with Animal Control here; just zoning. We did not act with disregard, but were in fact deceived when buying the property. It was a most unfortunate situation. Yet, Logan Neill would write on October 28, 2009:
"In 2003, an attempt to start a shelter at a house in New Port Richey was thwarted when Mas and her husband were found to be violating a city code by having 25 dogs and 33 cats living in out buildings on the property. Three years later, she bought the wooded property in Hernando County and set up Our Animal Haus.
It had a barn for larger animals, and the couple invested thousands of dollars in fencing and out buildings for their ever-growing menagerie. By the end of last year, Mas' financial woes began to deepen. Unable keep up with mortgage payments on the New Port Richey home, she turned it over to the bank."
As of this writing on November 1, 2015, I still own the New Port Richey home, by the way, although the property is now listed for a short sale.
Logan Neill knew nothing about me, showed up at my house to talk with no tape recorder, and very seldom did he stop to write down anything that I had actually said. In article after article, he deliberately defiled my character and created a very negative public impression of me, one of being a completely impoverished, irresponsible, and cruel person. He would beat the drum for the witch hunt as Animal Control prepared the chains and the stake. This cannot have been legal for him to do. Aren't there laws in place that are there to stop people from doing things like this, protecting the helpless and the innocent from slander and utter disgrace?
I was afraid to go shopping. I was afraid that if people saw my face, they would recognize me from the Hernando Times articles, which always managed to appear on the front page. I was Logan's cause célèbre, and he gloated in his self-importance, along with his sidekick and equally exploitative photographer. I was vilified repeatedly, and completely isolated. The people who had worked for me, whom I had been kind and generous with, all turned away in fear of losing their own animals or making themselves vulnerable to law enforcement officials. Looking back, I can understand the fear they felt and the reasons why they had to do what they did in order to protect themselves. If this could be done to me, it could be done to anyone with animals. Animal Control was a force to be feared by all, especially by the animals.
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The lies spread, as his appeared in Hernando Today on November 13th, 2 weeks after my animals had been seized, and less than 2 months after they had all been groomed and most importantly, vaccinated. |
Hernando County Animal Services will bring the 40 dogs recently rescued from the Our Animal Haus sanctuary east of Brooksville. Canines of all sizes will be available for adoption, from Dachshund to Labrador mixes."They are all just sweet and loving," said Joanne Schoch, Humane Society director. "And after all they've been through, they deserve a loving home." Schoch said the dogs have all been checked and tested by a veterinarian, and local groomers have donated their services to prepare the pets for adoption."
My dogs had received 3 year rabies vaccines on September 25, 2009, administered by Dr, Marlene Pinera, and paid for by James Robinson, my backer. Animal Control was present for this. He shelled out over $1000...which included vaccines for ALL of the cats who were subsequently murdered. This means that the dogs that are still living, have been and are being treated for rabies unnecessarily, and this cannot be good for them.
In other words, what was most important to Animal Control was for me to look negligent, and for them to look like heroes. This was more important than the welfare of these poor animals.
Reading this not only turned my stomach, but it brought such outrage to my soul because of the harm that was being done to my dogs by those who were accusing me of doing harm.
Actual text from correspondence between my backer and Dr Pinera:
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 4:49 PM
Subject: Re:
Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 4:49 PM
Subject: Re:
Hi James:
spoke to Carolyn today, she has a head count of 37 dogs and 70 cats that need rabies vaccines per the county.
call my sales rep. but every body has use up all the money that they
had allocated for things like that (I use to work for a pharmaceutical
company and by April all the money is usually gone).
charge is $10.00 /per pet,with 107 pets it comes to $1,070.00 dollars(I
usually charge a trip charge to cover my gas and a needle waste
disposal,but I will wave both in this case) the vaccine is good for 3
years in all the adult animals she has;so we don't have to do these
again until 2012. Please let me know how you would like to proceed, she wants me to come out by Friday because the county will be there
Friday by 10:00 am.
Thank you,sincerely,
Marlene C. Pinera DVM
352-472-xxxx home
352-231-2389 work
954-292-xxxx cell
In the coming weeks I hope to have links to all of the articles that appeared, and let the facts speak for themselves.